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OpenSSL commands

The openssl manpage provides a general overview of all the commands.

CA.plfriendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
asn1parseASN.1 parsing tool
c_rehashCreate symbolic links to files named by the hash values
casample minimal CA application
ciphersSSL cipher display and cipher list tool
cmsCMS utility
crl2pkcs7Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates
crlCRL utility
dgstperform digest operations
dhparamDH parameter manipulation and generation
dsaDSA key processing
dsaparamDSA parameter manipulation and generation
ecEC key processing
ecparamEC parameter manipulation and generation
encsymmetric cipher routines
engineload and query engines
errstrlookup error codes
gendsagenerate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
genpkeygenerate a private key
genrsagenerate an RSA private key
listlist algorithms and features
nseqcreate or examine a Netscape certificate sequence
ocspOnline Certificate Status Protocol utility
openssl-asn1parseASN.1 parsing tool
openssl-c_rehashCreate symbolic links to files named by the hash values
openssl-casample minimal CA application
openssl-ciphersSSL cipher display and cipher list tool
openssl-cmsCMS utility
openssl-crl2pkcs7Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates
openssl-crlCRL utility
openssl-dgstperform digest operations
openssl-dhparamDH parameter manipulation and generation
openssl-dsaDSA key processing
openssl-dsaparamDSA parameter manipulation and generation
openssl-ecEC key processing
openssl-ecparamEC parameter manipulation and generation
openssl-encsymmetric cipher routines
openssl-engineload and query engines
openssl-errstrlookup error codes
openssl-gendsagenerate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
openssl-genpkeygenerate a private key
openssl-genrsagenerate an RSA private key
openssl-listlist algorithms and features
openssl-nseqcreate or examine a Netscape certificate sequence
openssl-ocspOnline Certificate Status Protocol utility
openssl-passwdcompute password hashes
openssl-pkcs12PKCS#12 file utility
openssl-pkcs7PKCS#7 utility
openssl-pkcs8PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
openssl-pkeypublic or private key processing tool
openssl-pkeyparampublic key algorithm parameter processing tool
openssl-pkeyutlpublic key algorithm utility
openssl-primecompute prime numbers
openssl-randgenerate pseudo-random bytes
openssl-rehashCreate symbolic links to files named by the hash values
openssl-reqPKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility
openssl-rsaRSA key processing tool
openssl-rsautlRSA utility
openssl-s_clientSSL/TLS client program
openssl-s_serverSSL/TLS server program
openssl-s_timeSSL/TLS performance timing program
openssl-sess_idSSL/TLS session handling utility
openssl-smimeS/MIME utility
openssl-speedtest library performance
openssl-spkacSPKAC printing and generating utility
openssl-srpmaintain SRP password file
openssl-storeutlSTORE utility
openssl-tsTime Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
openssl-tsgetTime Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
openssl-verifyUtility to verify certificates
openssl-versionprint OpenSSL version information
openssl-x509Certificate display and signing utility
opensslOpenSSL command line tool
passwdcompute password hashes
pkcs12PKCS#12 file utility
pkcs7PKCS#7 utility
pkcs8PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkeypublic or private key processing tool
pkeyparampublic key algorithm parameter processing tool
pkeyutlpublic key algorithm utility
primecompute prime numbers
randgenerate pseudo-random bytes
rehashCreate symbolic links to files named by the hash values
reqPKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility
rsaRSA key processing tool
rsautlRSA utility
s_clientSSL/TLS client program
s_serverSSL/TLS server program
s_timeSSL/TLS performance timing program
sess_idSSL/TLS session handling utility
smimeS/MIME utility
speedtest library performance
spkacSPKAC printing and generating utility
srpmaintain SRP password file
storeutlSTORE utility
tsTime Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
tsgetTime Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
verifyUtility to verify certificates
versionprint OpenSSL version information
x509Certificate display and signing utility