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OSSL_HTTP_adapt_proxy, OSSL_parse_url, OSSL_HTTP_parse_url, OCSP_parse_url - http utility functions


#include <openssl/http.h>

const char *OSSL_HTTP_adapt_proxy(const char *proxy, const char *no_proxy,
                                  const char *server, int use_ssl);

int OSSL_parse_url(const char *url, char **pscheme, char **puser, char **phost,
                   char **pport, int *pport_num,
                   char **ppath, char **pquery, char **pfrag);
int OSSL_HTTP_parse_url(const char *url,
                        int *pssl, char **puser, char **phost,
                        char **pport, int *pport_num,
                        char **ppath, char **pquery, char **pfrag);

The following functions have been deprecated since OpenSSL 3.0, and can be hidden entirely by defining OPENSSL_API_COMPAT with a suitable version value, see openssl_user_macros(7):

int OCSP_parse_url(const char *url, char **phost, char **pport, char **ppath,
                   int *pssl);


OSSL_HTTP_adapt_proxy() takes an optional proxy hostname proxy and returns it transformed according to the optional no_proxy parameter, server, use_ssl, and the applicable environment variable, as follows. If proxy is NULL, take any default value from the http_proxy environment variable, or from https_proxy if use_ssl is nonzero. If this still does not yield a proxy hostname, take any further default value from the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, or from HTTPS_PROXY if use_ssl is nonzero. If no_proxy is NULL, take any default exclusion value from the no_proxy environment variable, or else from NO_PROXY. Return the determined proxy host unless the exclusion value, which is a list of proxy hosts separated by , and/or whitespace, contains server. Otherwise return NULL. When server is a string delimited by [ and ], which are used for IPv6 addresses, the enclosing [ and ] are stripped prior to comparison.

OSSL_parse_url() parses its input string url as a URL of the form [scheme://][userinfo@]host[:port][/path][?query][#fragment] and splits it up into scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, and fragment components. The host (or server) component may be a DNS name or an IP address where IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets [ and ]. The port component is optional and defaults to 0. If given, it must be in decimal form. If the pport_num argument is not NULL the integer value of the port number is assigned to *pport_num on success. The path component is also optional and defaults to /. Each non-NULL result pointer argument pscheme, puser, phost, pport, ppath, pquery, and pfrag, is assigned the respective url component. Any IPv6 address in *phost is enclosed in [ and ]. On success, they are guaranteed to contain non-NULL string pointers, else NULL. It is the responsibility of the caller to free them using OPENSSL_free(3). If pquery is NULL, any given query component is handled as part of the path. A string returned via *ppath is guaranteed to begin with a / character. For absent scheme, userinfo, port, query, and fragment components an empty string is provided.

OSSL_HTTP_parse_url() is a special form of OSSL_parse_url() where the scheme, if given, must be http or https. If pssl is not NULL, *pssl is assigned 1 in case parsing was successful and the scheme is https, else 0. The port component is optional and defaults to 443 if the scheme is https, else 80. Note that relative paths must be given with a leading /, otherwise the first path element is interpreted as the host.

Calling the deprecated function OCSP_parse_url(url, host, port, path, ssl) is equivalent to OSSL_HTTP_parse_url(url, ssl, NULL, host, port, NULL, path, NULL, NULL).


OSSL_HTTP_adapt_proxy() returns NULL if no proxy is to be used, otherwise a constant proxy hostname string, which is either the proxy name handed in or an environment variable value.

OSSL_parse_url(), OSSL_HTTP_parse_url(), and OCSP_parse_url() return 1 on success, 0 on error.




OSSL_HTTP_adapt_proxy(), OSSL_parse_url() and OSSL_HTTP_parse_url() were added in OpenSSL 3.0. OCSP_parse_url() was deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0.

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