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openssl-srp - maintain SRP password file


openssl srp [-help] [-verbose] [-add] [-modify] [-delete] [-list] [-name section] [-srpvfile file] [-gn identifier] [-userinfo text] [-passin arg] [-passout arg] [-engine id] [-rand files] [-writerand file] [-provider name] [-provider-path path] [-propquery propq] [-config configfile] [user ...]


This command is deprecated. It is used to maintain an SRP (secure remote password) file. At most one of the -add, -modify, -delete, and -list options can be specified. These options take zero or more usernames as parameters and perform the appropriate operation on the SRP file. For -list, if no user is given then all users are displayed.

The configuration file to use, and the section within the file, can be specified with the -config and -name flags, respectively.


  • -help

    Display an option summary.

  • -verbose

    Generate verbose output while processing.

  • -add

    Add a user and SRP verifier.

  • -modify

    Modify the SRP verifier of an existing user.

  • -delete

    Delete user from verifier file.

  • -list

    List users.

  • -name

    The particular SRP definition to use.

  • -srpvfile file

    If the config file is not specified, -srpvfile can be used to specify the file to operate on.

  • -gn

    Specifies the g and N values, using one of the strengths defined in IETF RFC 5054.

  • -userinfo

    specifies additional information to add when adding or modifying a user.

  • -passin arg, -passout arg

    The password source for the input and output file. For more information about the format of arg see openssl-passphrase-options(1).

  • -engine id

    See "Engine Options" in openssl(1). This option is deprecated.

  • -rand files, -writerand file

    See "Random State Options" in openssl(1) for details.

  • -provider name

  • -provider-path path
  • -propquery propq

    See "Provider Options" in openssl(1), provider(7), and property(7).

  • -config configfile

    See "Configuration Option" in openssl(1).

    [-rand files] [-writerand file]


The -engine option was deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0.

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